Big Picture at Hobart City

Based at the New Town Campus, Big Picture at Hobart City provides an opportunity for full time students to learn through the Big Picture learning design. Big Picture Education enables students to develop highly personalised learning pathways developed out of their interests and aspirations within a very supportive small learning community.

Students are organised into advisory groups of a maximum of eighteen students supported by one key teacher/advisor to develop a highly personalised learning plan including learning internships based in community organisations supported by a mentor.

Students present their learning regularly in an exhibition to peers, parents and teachers for assessment and feedback. Students are supported by their teacher/advisor to map their learning to the Australian Curriculum in Years 9/10 and TCE subjects in Years 11/12.

A significant focus of the personalised learning pathways is the exploration of future opportunities and preparation to successfully transitions to University, vocational education, or employment.

Personalised Learning - Big Picture focuses on personalising students’ learning and educational experience through increased connectedness and engagement. Underpinning the program are the key principles of relationships, relevance and rigour as the foundation of their personalised learning plan each term. There is a focus on developing personal qualities, skills and abilities, such as self-confidence, independence, self-respect, communication and problem-solving skills. Each year and term there are a minimum set of expectations that a student must meet, including reading, journaling and participation in Big Picture and whole school activities.

Mentors and Learning through Internship Programs - The Learning Through Internship placement is designed to build knowledge, understanding and skills in community organisations and adult work places and encourage students to follow their passions. By placing learning in a real world context students are supported by their mentor to make connections and see relevance. These placements are for one day a week each term.

Assessment and Exhibitions - At the end of each term Big Picture students present their learning at an exhibition where they reflect on their progress, project work and Mentor/Internship placements. Exhibitions allows for presenting or learning progress in a more authentic manner. The audience usually includes their teacher/advisor, parent/carers, peers and often a staff member from the school and their mentor. Exhibitions help significantly in developing communication capability and confidence.

Families are Enrolled Too - The Big Picture program is open to students who have the desire to work hard and to challenge themselves. Families are really important part of our program. Parents and other significant adults are encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s education, including contributing to the development of the learning plans, attending exhibition to provide support, insight and feedback. Learning in the community through internships and others opportunities, the support of parents to secure and get to and from community learning opportunities is a really important aspect of family support.


To speak to someone and/or arrange to visit the Big Picture at Hobart City, please contact Cameron Gluskie on 62288800 or